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Yoga Club
Answers to the Ten Most Frequently Asked Questions About Yoga
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Introduction to Yoga
Before You Take Classes, Watch This (4:34)
Assessments - How to make use of this benefit
Refer a Friend Program
Schedule for Live Classes
Monthly Yoga Challenge
Recorded Zoom Classes
You Won't Miss Out
Refer a Friend Program
Restorative Yoga - Thursday Feb 27
Moderate Yoga - Saturday March 1
Slow Flow & Restore - Sunday March 2
Gentle Yoga followed by Alternate Nostril Breathing Practice - Monday March 3
Meditation - Wednesday March 5
Gentle Yoga - Wednesday March 5
Gentle Yoga (No Standing) - Thursday March 6
Moderate Yoga - Saturday March 8
Yoga for Beginners
Hand Engagement (5:45)
Puppy Dog Pose (5:38)
Week 1 (52:33)
Modified Chair Pose (4:47)
Week 2 (70:42)
Balance Basics - Tree Pose (13:26)
Week 3 (55:32)
Modified Warrior lll (8:29)
Modified Extended Side Angle Pose (9:37)
Week 4 (64:25)
Flow to Fit - A Return to Yoga in 2 weeks
Welcome to Flow to Fit
Step One: 25 minutes (25:09)
Step Two: 30 minutes (30:48)
Step Three: 28 minutes (27:55)
Step Four - 29 minutes (29:35)
Step Five - 29 minutes (29:26)
Refer A Friend Program
Step Six - 30 minutes (30:39)
Step Seven - 30 minutes (30:03)
Step Eight - 35 minutes (35:22)
Step Nine - 38 minutes (38:00)
Step Ten - 33 minutes (33:08)
Step Eleven - 38 minutes (38:00)
Step Twelve - 36 minutes (36:28)
Step Thirteen - 40 minutes (40:34)
Step Fourteen - 46 minutes (46:25)
Specialty Classes
Let's Talk about Low Back Pain (7:26)
A Yoga Practice to Relieve Low Back Pain - 53 minutes (53:11)
Eliminate Low Back Pain & Sciatic Nerve Pain - Episode 1 (15:21)
A Word of Caution (2:38)
Eliminate Low Back Pain & Sciatic Nerve Pain - Episode 2 (26:59)
Eliminate Low Back Pain & Sciatic Nerve Pain - Episode 3 (29:53)
No Weight on Knees or Wrists - 57 minutes (57:12)
Better Balance - Part 1 (10:31)
Better Balance - Part 2 (16:34)
Better Balance - Part 3 (11:36)
5 - 20 Minute Classes
Balance Challenge Flow - 8 Minutes (7:39)
Sun Salutations - 12 minutes (12:27)
Post Workout Yoga Stretch - Standing (15 mins)
Gentle Flow - 18 Minutes (18:44)
Gentle Standing Flow - 18 minutes (18:37)
Post Workout Yoga Stretch - On the Mat (20 mins)
Moderate Standing Practice - 20 Minutes (22:34)
21 - 30 Minute Classes
Gentle - 21 minutes (21:48)
Gentle Mindful Movement - 25 mins (25:03)
Vigorous Flow - 27 min (27:08)
Happy Hips - 27 Minutes (27:07)
Moderate - 29 minutes (28:54)
31 - 40 Minute Classes
Important Reminder!!
Vinyasa - 32 Minutes (32:03)
Gentle (no standing) - 34 minutes (34:38)
Gentle - 35 minutes (35:55)
Gentle Flow - 35 Minutes (35:46)
Restorative Yoga - 35 Minutes (35:25)
Core Yoga - 38 minutes (38:14)
Half Salutations - 39 min. Gentle Practice (39:16)
41 - 50 Minute Classes
Restorative - 42 minutes (42:28)
Vigorous - 42 Minutes (42:05)
Intermediate with Shoulder Stand - 46 Minutes (46:02)
Moderate - 46 minutes (46:47)
Moderate - 47 minutes (47:06)
Sun Salutation Flow - 48 minutes (48:41)
Moderately Advanced - 48 Minutes (48:52)
Vigorous - 48 Minutes (48:58)
Gentle Flow - 49 Minutes (49:15)
Gentle - 49 minutes (49:50)
Vigorous - 49 minutes (48:29)
Restorative Yoga - 50 min (50:41)
Gentle - 50 minutes (50:05)
51 - 60 Minute Classes
Gentle - 51 minutes (51:18)
Intermediate/Advanced - 51 minutes (51:02)
Gentle - 52 minutes (A) (51:53)
Gentle - 52 minutes (B) (52:04)
Gentle - 53 minutes (52:35)
Gentle - 54 minutes (53:18)
Moderate (A) - 54 minutes (54:00)
Moderate (B) - 54 minutes (54:20)
Intermediate - 54 minutes (54:34)
Gentle Flow - 55 minutes (53:57)
Moderate - 56 minutes (56:47)
Restorative - 57 minutes (57:54)
Slow Flow & Restore - 57 minutes (A) (57:13)
Slow Flow & Restore - 57 minutes (B) (57:12)
Gentle - 57 minutes (56:36)
Gentle - 57 min. Slow Paced, Alignment Focused (57:19)
Gentle Flow - 57 minutes (56:57)
Moderate - 57 minutes (56:45)
Gentle - 58 minutes (A) (58:39)
Gentle - 58 minutes (B) (58:10)
Moderate - 58 min (58:23)
Vigorous - 58 minutes (58:53)
Mildly Moderate - 59 minutes (58:57)
Moderate - 59 minutes (58:50)
Restorative - 60 minutes (60:40)
Gentle - 60 minutes (58:49)
Gentle Flow - 60 minutes (60:16)
Inhale Yoga Class - One Hour (61:51)
Moderate/Intermediate - 60 minutes (58:58)
61 - 70 Minute Classes
Moderate - 61 minutes (61:11)
Restore - 62 minutes (62:47)
Slow Flow & Restore - 62 minutes (62:44)
Intermediate - 62 minutes (63:07)
Gentle - 63 minutes (63:42)
Gently Moderate - 63 minutes (63:29)
Gentle - 64 minutes (64:06)
Gentle (no standing) - 65 minutes (65:53)
Gentle - 65 minutes (65:12)
Moderate - 65 minutes (64:32)
Gentle - 67 minutes (67:39)
Intermediate - 67 minutes (66:43)
Happy Hips - 68 minutes (68:46)
Gentle Flow - 68 minutes (68:11)
Slow Flow & Restore - 70 minutes (69:15)
71 - 80 Minutes Classes
Slow Flow & Restore - 74 minutes (74:25)
Slow Flow & Restore - 75 minutes (74:05)
Gentle Yoga - 78 minutes (78:54)
Gentle Yoga - 79 minutes (78:15)
Restorative - 80 minutes (80:20)
Building up to Inversions
Legs up the Wall - Viparita Karani (10:06)
Shoulder Stand - Sarvangasana (15:45)
Standing Split at the Wall (13:21)
Inverted L-Pose (12:33)
Supported Dolphin Inversion - Forearm Stand (5:36)
Squat Press Drills (6:19)
Asana (Pose) Tutorials
Balancing Half Moon - Ardha Chandrasana (8:34)
Balancing Pigeon (7:02)
Bridge - Setu Banda Sarvangasana (5:54)
Chair Pose - Utkatasana (3:24)
Child's Pose - Balasana (11:00)
Child's Pose Variations (9:44)
Cow Face Pose -Gomukhasana (11:28)
Crocodile - Makarasana (7:11)
Dolphin (7:08)
Dolphin Plank (9:43)
Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana (10:08)
3-Leg Down Dog (6:30)
3-leg Down Dog Hip Opener (5:46)
Down Dog Twist (4:23)
Extended Side Angle - Parsvakonasana (11:07)
Fallen Triangle (4:52)
Fire Log Pose (Shoelace Pose) (12:54)
Forward Fold - Variations (10:28)
Goddess Pose - Deviasana (7:42)
Hero and Toe Breaker - Virasana (8:43)
Lizard (8:04)
Lotus - Padmasana (7:09)
Lunge and Crescent Lunge (7:44)
Lunge Twist (8:02)
Palm Tree (7:00)
Plank (5:08)
Prayer Twist (5:43)
Pyramid - Parsvottanasana (6:31)
Revolved Crescent (8:45)
Side Arm Plank Modifications (5:39)
Sphinx & Seal (4:53)
Squat - Malasana (7:56)
Star Pose and Balancing Star (4:08)
Standing Crescent (5:21)
Standing Back Arch (7:10)
Standing Thigh Stretch (6:46)
Supine Plank - Purvottanasana (7:44)
Thread the Needle (5:15)
Toe Balancing (11:55)
Tree - Vrksasana (9:25)
Triangle - Utthita Trikonasana (8:23)
Twists - Seated Variations (13:57)
Upward Facing Dog - Urdva Mukha Svanasana (4:37)
Upward Facing Boat (14:30)
Warrior l - Virabhadrasana l (6:42)
Warrior ll and Peaceful Warrior (13:05)
Warrior lll - Virabhadrasana lll (14:02)
Wild Thing (Flip Dog) (5:06)
Windshield Wipers (7:30)
Starry Sky - 16 min. Guided
Mindful Movement of Thoughts (29:48)
Being in the Now (34:15)
An Overview of Meditation for Beginners - 42 mins (42:05)
Train of Thoughts - Observing the Mind
Meditation to Reduce Anxiety
Heart Crystal Meditation (5:49)
Sweeping Meditation (25:27)
"All in One" Practice
Beyond the Mat
Alternate Nostril Breathing (5:00)
The 8 Limbs of Yoga (6:40)
Ahimsa (19:59)
Ujjayi Breathing (13:41)
An Overview of the Chakras
Yoga Chats
Blocks - Why and How to Use Them (14:40)
Music in your Practice (9:11)
Sanskrit Words - To learn them or not and why (9:14)
Teaching and Learning Styles (7:34)
Body Awareness off the Mat (10:46)
An Indian Perspective on Yoga (11:16)
The Meaning of Namaste
Yog vs. Yoga & Savasan vs. Savasana (7:12)
Glimpses of India
View from the Homestay balcony (0:22)
Sweet Tamarind (1:08)
Rooftops of Nagpur (0:34)
Decorations of Lights (0:25)
The Wedding Celebration (1:00)
The Cooler (2:25)
A Welcome Guest (0:37)
Buffalo Milk
Ramtek (7:15)
Indian Kitchen (11:13)
At the Tailor's (0:43)
Trash Day (2:27)
Our Balcony Garden (3:42)
The Water Heater
BHAAJEE! (0:17)
The Rooftop Terrace and Dragonflies (1:06)
Pola Festival and other Cows (1:46)
Why the Loud Music? (1:08)
My First Diwali Celebration (0:29)
Shiv Temple
Fabulous Fruit
At the Mill (0:37)
Solstice - Outdoor Concert (0:15)
Classical Dance (2:32)
Makar Sankranti
You Are My Sunshine (0:38)
Kerala (1:11)
Visiting the Cows and Buffalos
Juice by the Roadside
Hanuman by the Ganges River in Rishikesh (0:35)
Our First Performance in India (1:10)
My First Raksha Bandhan Celebration
Navratri Festival (1:46)
My First Karwa Chauth
Pench Jungle Safari (3:31)
Wedding Season - Music Video (4:06)
Bravindavan Gardens
Golden Temple of Namdroling Monastery
Coffee Plantation
Coorg Cliffs Resort & Mysore Palace (0:44)
Roka - Kush's Engagement (13:44)
Freedom Palace, Pahalgam, Kashmir (0:42)
Betaab Valley, Pahalgam, Kashmir (2:20)
Himalayan Peaks in Gulmarg (3:24)
Tulip Garden in Srinagar (1:08)
The Wedding
Impressions of Thailand (23:16)
Tiger in Tadoba Jungle (0:15)
Weekly Reflection
Power Hours (9:25)
Whales of Inspiration (6:54)
Light Will Come (4:45)
The Roots of Happiness (8:03)
Mirroring Energy vs. Emotional Empowerment
Heroes & Villains (5:24)
A Cat Named Lily (12:05)
The Body Remembers (7:38)
Two Takeaways from Jindal (15:01)
Rewire Your Subconscious (3:57)
How Salty Are You?
All Energies Can Be Transformed
Naked in the Mirror
Intentional Stillness (7:37)
Take the Reins of Your Mind (8:50)
The Importance of Self-Acceptance (8:34)
Releasing Negative Energy (7:15)
Poison Arrows (2:14)
Christmas Present
Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
Many Layers of Yoga (3:36)
Sacred Rest
You Have Everything You Need (7:18)
Identifying Habits of the Mind (11:40)
Powerful Words
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You Won't Miss Out
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